Name: Busy Bee
Demographics: Active (business) professional, low-middle income, like to stay on top of things
High-level Goal/Interests: Work, appointments/meetings, and scheduling are all part of their position. Enjoy managing work content and calendars.
Pet Peeves: Does not like scheduling manually; prefers an easier way to decide on shift work and/or meetings. does not like to navigate and search for the content that is being sought out.
Type of Internet User: uses simple applications and sites, and social media/connecting sites. Prefers broadband access (which is faster)
Type of Shopper: shops when there is time; time management is a big issue
Where Shops: Prefers to do most retail and banking transactions online for the sake of convenience and speed.
Specific Goals: effectively manage weekly, monthly, and annual schedules that are easily accessible for all users/members, and allows for changes to be made with ease. Something their business, personal, and family life can all benefit from.
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