Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Georgebrown.ca - Marketing Research Course

Step 1: Go to George Brown homepage
Step 2: Click on the "Programs" link (http://www.georgebrown.ca/globalnav/programs.aspx)
Step 3: Click on the "Business" link (http://www.georgebrown.ca/business/programs.aspx)
Step 4: Scroll to find a "Marketing Program" (Business Administration-Marketing B108)(http://www.georgebrown.ca/Marketing/FTCal/bus/B108.aspx)
Step 5: Scroll to find "Marketing Research Course" (MARK 2007) and click on the link (http://www.georgebrown.ca/CO/GBC/business-arts-and-design/school-of-business/courses/MARK/2007/MARK2007-Master.html)
Step 6: Scroll, explore, and familiarize yourself with the Marketing Research Course content (requirements, prerequisites, etc.)

*** there are also "Continuing Education" Marketing Research courses; however it differs from the full/part-time program****

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