Monday, June 13, 2011

Balanced Scorecard

Customer Perspective:
- Loyalty and Satisfaction: the user creates more loyalty based on the amount of times that the site is used weekly. It can also be measured by how many people were invited and/or referred to the site in order to access a particular schedule/calendar.
- Appropriateness of Target Markets: the user(s) are usually business professionals who require weekly, monthly, and/or annual scheduling programs/applications.

Internal Perspective:
Goals and Quality of Online Service: this site is supposed to help business professionals schedule shifts, meetings, and other appointments with ease. The site is designed for fast and effective scheduling that will help create clear and precise calendars.

Learning and Growth Perspective:
Service Innovation and Improvements: the site is constantly going through updates that automatically change your settings to be up to speed with the latest versions.

Financial Perspective:
The site financially grows through advertising agencies that invest in the site by posting their ads. The company also makes money by receiving payments for premium packages that offer more functions than the free option provides the user. Currently is one of the only scheduling sites with the functionalities that it offers, and would therefore hold quite a large percentage of the market share that makes up online scheduling. This means that this company has a lot of financial growth opportunity.

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