Monday, June 13, 2011

Persona Assignment (due week 6)

Nickname: Past-time Art Browser
Demographics: 20-35 years old, low to middle income, casually browses art
Interests/ High Level Goals: passionate about art but as a hobby. Browsing digital art is a creative past-time that she may passably get into doing herself one day.
Pet Peeves: does not like extremely professional art work; prefers amateur/new artist styles versus the work of professional artists.
Type of Internet User: uses simple applications and easy-to use sites. Active on  social media sites, such as Facebook and Flickr, where images and art can be uploaded and shared amongst friends. Prefers broadband connection. Does not use purchasing options if she can find it in stores.
Type of Shopper: shops when she has money to spend on wants. Does not ever purchase art online, simply browses others’ work.
Where Shops: refrains from purchasing anything online; prefers to physically go to stores to touch, feel, and see products/services. Enjoys browsing for art but does not purchase materials for personal work that she may do. 
Specific Goals: learn more about her passion of art. Find online communities that can help her grow her browsing interest into a hands-on hobby/activity. Be able to afford a computer with more digital art capabilities in order to better integrate in digital art communities (on social networks)
Use-Case Scenarios
Specific Goal: search for digital art pictures to add to a “Favourites” folder/collection.
·         Step 1: Direct navigation to homepage (
·         Step 2: Link Designs and Interfaces (
·         Step 3: Link Newest (
·         Step 4: Link Next page (
·         Step 5: Link Next page (
·         Step 6: Link Next page (
·         Step 7: Link angst(
·         Step 8: Link *Add to Favourites

Specific Goal: browse for new tattoo ideas; looking for a unique wing idea.
·         Step 1: Direct navigation to homepage (
·         Step 2: Link Designs and Interfaces (
·         Step 3: Link Tattoo Design (
·         Step 4: Link Popular (
·         Step 5: Link All Time (
·         Step 6: Link Next page (
·         Step 7: Link Next page (
·         Step 8: Add and Comment and link *Add to Favourites
Name: Kate

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